Musicians Institute
Date: 02/17/2010
PHOTO CAPTION: The school that has set off numerous successful music industry careers welcomes back former student, teacher, and current Nine Inch Nails keyboard player Alessandro Cortini for a special KIT (Keyboard Institute of Technology) open counseling session on Tuesday, November 22nd at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. Cortini got the audition through Barry Squire, who oversees the MI’s weekly Hiring Hall audition showcase, and is now featured on their world tour. Before teaching at KIT, the multi-talented Cortini attended GIT (Guitar Institute of Technology) and toured with Mayfield Four, Everclear and his own group, ModWheelMood.
PHOTO CAPTION: (L-R) Keith Mardak, Keith Wyatt, Jeff Schroedl – Hal Leonard Chairman and CEO Keith Mardak and Vice President, Pop & Standard Publications Jeff Schroedl present anniversary plaque to Musicians Institute Director of Programs Keith Wyatt at 2007 Winter NAMM show
Left to Right: Musicians Institute’s Director of Admissions Steve Lunn, scholarship recipient Hunter Karmi and Jeffrey Briggs , Chair of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Community Foundation. PHOTO CREDIT: Courtesy of Luck Media & Marketing, Inc.